Education for Palliative Care
The Avila Institute of Gerontology (AIG) has developed two education programs for the implementation and sustainability of high quality palliative care in long-term care facilities. These educational programs were developed during our Palliative Care Pilot Project. You can read the full report here.

Implementing Palliative Care Guide
The Palliative Care Implementation Program examines the processes and components required for a successful program. Based on AIG’s 18-month pilot program, the guide outlines the obstacles which facilities typically face and how to work through them. It delineates the structures necessary to succeed (e.g., steering committees, unit teams), the five domains of pain, assessments to use with residents and how to sustain a quality program over time.

Palliative Care Staff Training Program
The Avila Institute of Gerontology (AIG), based on the excellent End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) curriculum, created a comprehensive, faith-based curriculum to train staff in all aspects of palliative care including: the philosophy of palliative care, the five domains of pain, pain assessment and relief, communication, ethical issues, faith traditions, and how to handle loss and grief.